An Elite clone based on TextElite by Jan-Philipp Kappmeier and Melanie Schmidt.
BitmapFont | Bitmap represents windows bitmap font |
ClickableObject | |
Button | An OpenGL button in a 2d environment |
Console | Handles command parsing for a console and draws the console using OpenGL |
consoleCommand | |
fastseedtype | |
FileAccess | Static class which allows all the file access |
ForeignSpaceShip | |
Merchant | A Merchant is a specific space ship that travels between a planet and the station |
Pirate | Pirates have a specific position. If the player comes too near, they start to attack |
PoliceShip | A police ship |
Thargon | Represents an evil Thargon space ship |
FrameCounter | A class computing the current frame rate |
Frustum | Allows frustum culling and other frustum calculations |
FrustumInformation | |
GameObject | Base class for 3d game objects |
GraphicsObject | Represents a basic drawable object |
ModelObject | A real drawing class that can render triangle mesh net based objects |
SpaceShip | Represents a space ship |
abstract | An abstract class for objects that can receive mouse input. The mouse handling and drawing must be implemented |
PlayerObject | This class represents the player |
SpaceStation | Represents a space station |
QuadricObject | An extension of GraphicsObject that can draw using OpenGL quadrics (GLU) |
Planet | |
Star | A Star is a special type of Planet that has supports lighting |
MovingObject | Provides the basic functions for an moving object |
CameraObject | Extends the functionality of a MovingObject to the ones of a camera, usable in games |
PlayerObject | This class represents the player |
SpaceShip | Represents a space ship |
SpinningObject | Implements a simple spinning object |
Planet | |
SpaceStation | Represents a space station |
HudLoadBar | A bar that can show a current value in a given range |
LittleHelper | |
MarketplaceItem | |
markettype | |
MaterialStruct | |
MouseHandler | Allows to check, if a mouse click in a specific position has hit an object |
ObjectAccess | Contains the necessary data for a 3d object in mElite |
ObjectInfo | |
ObjectLoader3ds | Loads objects as meshes (i.e. triangle list) from 3ds files |
Objects | Contains a list of loaded 3d objects in the game world and loads more objects |
OpenGLApplication | A basic class for an OpenGL application |
App | The main class of mElite, which is an extension of the general OpenGLApplication class |
OpenGLWindow | A basic window with additional members |
Plane | Represents a plane in 3d space |
PlanetInfoGraphical | |
plansys | |
PlayerStatus | |
Point2Struct | |
Point4Struct | |
Position | |
seedtype | |
Shapes | |
stChunk | File chunk header |
stColor | A RGB color |
stFace | A triangle face represented by indices of vertices |
stFileFace | A triangle face as it is represented in the file. Indices are indices for vertices |
stMaterial | Material for a face |
stMesh | A mesh. Note that each file may contain more than one mesh |
stTexCoord | Texture coordinates for a vertex |
stVertex | A vertex position in 3d space |
System | |
SystemInfo | |
TextEliteGame | |
TextInput | Allows keyboard interacton, receives key presses and can print the current text to the screen using OpenGL TextureFont |
TextureAccess | Contains the necessary data for a texture in mElite |
TextureFont | Realizes a texture font |
TextureLoader | The a loader that can set up the image data of a graphics file as an OpenGL texture |
TextureLoaderBMP | An implementation of the TextureLoader that can load windows bitmaps |
TextureLoaderTGA | An implementation of the TextureLoader that can load Targa files |
Textures | Implements a texture manager that loads files and sets up OpenGL textures |
Tradegood | |
tradegood | |
Vector3 | A simple 3d vector and basic operations |
VectorMath | |
World | This class represents the game world |
Wrapper | Provides an interface to communicate with the inner text elite object |